Tuesday, June 1, 2010

The Veggie Garden!

I pick lettuce, radishes and spinach daily now, and I must say it is yummy. You should be wrapping up all your plantings and now be putting down salt marsh hay for weed control. I also use weed mat and other things. No weeds, no dust splash and just a much cleaner neater garden. Your vegetable garden can be a great learning experience. Every year I plant new items to try, asparagus and a few new tomatoes. I am also using red plastic mat around my tomatoes.

When planting tomatoes, it is best to plant them late. Dig a trench and lay tome on their side leaving the leaves exposed above the ground level. My brother David’s and my veggie gardens are very successful but we work at it. It is fun work.

Two products I highly recommend are Messenger, a natural hormone that triggers the natural defense mechanisms in the plant really works, and Neptune’s Harvest Natural Fertilizers. Come on in for more information.

Please feel free to come in when problems arise, do not wait, when you first see issues in the garden that is the best time to treat it. I had leaf miner on my spinach this week and wow does it spread fast. I used All Natural Spinosad and it cleared the problem up.

See Ya In The Garden
Tom & Dave